Common Causes of Trucking Accidents

Jeffrey BreitJanuary 21, 2022

There are many common causes of trucking accidents. Overloaded cargo trucks can experience tire blowouts and tip over due to too much weight. External loads can also result in road obstructions and windshield damage. Other common causes of trucking accidents include brake failure and driver error. Learn more about how to prevent these types of accidents. The following are some of the most common causes of trucking accidents. Read on to learn how to prevent these types of accidents.

Defective equipment is one of the most common causes of trucking accidents. It is critical that truck drivers perform pre-trip inspections and maintain their vehicles regularly. Moreover, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulates how drivers load and secure materials. Improper loading or securement of materials can cause a crash. The weight can cause a flip or rollover. If materials are not secured properly, they could fall into moving lanes and cause an accident.

Improper loading and unbalanced cargo are other common causes of trucking accidents. The loader may fail to secure cargo properly, causing it to fly off the truck. In addition, improperly balanced cargo may cause the truck to tip over when it makes a turn. A tired or drowsy driver may also be at fault in an accident. An unsafe or defective vehicle is the most common cause of trucking accidents, and it is important to ensure that your trucks are maintained regularly to avoid a crash.

Untrained drivers are another common cause of trucking accidents. Inexperienced and unprofessional drivers may not have the proper training or experience to operate a truck. They may be required to drive in dangerous conditions. The result is an accident involving a large rig, which can be deadly. Poor maintenance of your fleet can lead to equipment failure, which makes it more likely to result in serious injury or death.

Improper maintenance of truck parts can also lead to accidents. Driver fatigue is the leading cause of traffic accidents involving large trucks. FMSCA regulations limit the hours a truck driver can work. This is the number one reason for a truck accident. However, a driver who is tired and distracted is more likely to cause an accident than one who is under the influence of alcohol or drug use. The most common cause of trucking accidents is faulty equipment.

The most common cause of trucking accidents is driver distraction. Overloaded and poorly loaded cargo are the most common causes of trucking accidents. While driver distraction is one of the main causes of trucking accidents, it is not the only factor. Other factors that contribute to trucking accidents include poor road conditions and improperly trained drivers. Finally, unsecured or overloaded cargo can cause a deadly accident. Fortunately, these are some of the most common causes of trucking accidents.


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